Thank You to a Good Samaritan


Dear Editor:

On Thursday, Sept. 17, my father was walking on County Road near Parksley when he fell, sustaining serious injuries.

A complete stranger who was passing by stopped in the pouring rain to assist my father. He remained with him until the ambulance arrived even after others had stopped to help. That
man’s name was Dean Davis.

After several failed attempts to locate Mr. Davis, I was able to get in touch with him by a rather bizarre sequence of events. There are no words to sufficiently describe the gratitude my family and I have for this man for his caring, kind and compassionate gesture towards my father. His single act of kindness has restored my faith in humanity and should be an example to us all as to how we treat one another.

THANK YOU SO MUCH AND MAY GOD BLESS YOU! Your family should be so proud!

I would also especially like to thank Joyce Green, Reagan Ballance and Gary Kromer for their help that day. Many thanks to Wayne Marshall, John Greer, Fred Matthews of Shore Transport Services, ALL OF THE EMS PERSONNEL, doctors and nurses who have helped my father and family throughout this whole ordeal.

Submitted with my deepest gratitude.

Curtis Ballance,

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