Dear Editor:
The current Northampton High School/Middle School complex was completed in 1954, and then expanded in 1978. The facility has served Northampton County well in the education of our students. The current high school/middle school complex has run its course, and it is not meeting the needs of the students. It is time to modernize the current facility.
In today’s society, the competition to secure post-secondary education slots in our colleges and universities is becoming more and more competitive. As a result, we need to provide our teachers and students with a state-of-the-art facility. Renovation of the high school/middle school complex has already been approved by the Board of Supervisors and construction planning has begun. There will be a separate facility for the middle school.
This will require the passage of a 1% Sales Tax Referendum. If the Referendum is not passed, a real estate tax increase of up to 7.4 cents per $100 of assessed value may be needed to fund the school debt service payments. Approximately 45% of the additional sales taxes collected will be paid by visitors to Northampton County. This will lessen the burden on the County residents. This tax will not apply to groceries, medications, or automobile/farm equipment purchases. The increase will be used to substantially modernize the current facility. The modernization will involve renovation and new construction. This will be one of the greatest investments the County can make, providing our teachers with a first class facility in which to educate our most prized processions, our
“I VOTED YES for the Referendum!” We need to give our students every advantage. We need the help of every citizen of Northampton County. Will you join me and also VOTE YES
for the Referendum for Northampton Schools.
Learn more at
Paul E. Bibbins Jr.,
Cape Charles