Riggs Balances Interests

Dear Editor:
As we approach the elections in November, I hope that we can secure leadership that will enhance and support solid objectives for a better Accomack County.
I have read Miriam Riggs’ top priorities if elected, and believe she has a solid grasp on the needs of the county. Her first priority is to be accessible and listen to concerns, an admirable goal that will go a long way in building relationships and improving trust in our leaders. Individuals need to know that their concerns are being heard and addressed.
Decisions that are made must promote growth and prosperity but also protect the health and welfare of the community. I know Miriam well and I believe that she understands the balance that needs to be achieved to ensure a better future for the county and its citizens.
More can be learned about Miriam and her platform by attending the Citizens for a Better Eastern Shore local candidates forum scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 8, 7-9 p.m. at Nandua High School auditorium in Onley.
Virginia Schneider, Bloxom
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