Onley Should Make More Effort to Inform Citizens


Dear Editor:

The Onley Town Council met Dec. 27 to hold a public hearing on the proposed changes to the town charter.

I checked the Onley town website to get a copy of the proposed changes and found that copies were only available at the town office.

The Onley town office is manned from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m. on most days. These hours are not compatible with a regular work schedule, so Onley citizens who work from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m. were not able to go to the town office and get a copy of the proposed town charter changes before the meeting.

The proposed town charter was not available electronically from the town website. Certainly, it is simple enough to have a link to the proposed charter and lock the document to keep folks from making changes and reposting the document.

Copies of the proposed town charter might have been made available near the book nook in the Onley post office.

Is denying the citizens of Onley easy access to town documents legal? It certainly is not right.

Deborah Kiger Bliss,

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