Dear Editor:
I’ve written before and felt compelled to do so again. Two items stood out to me while reading.
(1) Real Estate Taxes. While I’m happy to see the actual tax burden on county residents did not rise, it also did not fall. Since when is it acceptable to change the rate to ensure the county’s coffers remain full rather than pass the break onto the residents?
(2) “Random Facts About… the time a Killer Didn’t Pull the Trigger.” While the header grabbed attention, it was a poor choice of words and reveals lack of respect and indifference in the press to the difficult job all soldiers must endure. Soldiers do kill but are not killers and calling a soldier a killer is wrong no matter what the context or situation whether it is one of “ours” or one of “theirs.”
Some may remember when our soldiers returned from Vietnam to people calling them the same thing. In this case a soldier chose to show mercy and respect to fellow soldiers on the battlefield.
Paul Fuller, Cape Charles