After the Election


Dear Editor:

Regarding the election, it is winding down, but we will see how it goes and any changes. Also, a very warm welcome to Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

I sure hope Gov. Northam complies with the mask mandates preached about on television with small groups and enforces the law when all of these dysfunctional protesters decide to riot like they did over the summer.

Catholics and fellow Christian denominations: abortion is not in our beliefs. Joe Biden is Catholic and part of a party that supports women who abort babies, but not criminals who kill innocent people. That’s hypocritical. Joe Biden, do you lack the backbone to fulfill the obligations of the faith you so much embrace? A child does not ask to be born; they are a gift from God, not a choice. Leadership reflects attitude, but you must able to lead first.

Attention, church folk: you cannot be Catholic and be a Democrat supporting abortion. That’s actually any denomination that values Christian faith. If there’s any question on that, look in the mirror and ask yourself what your faith means to you. If you can’t look yourself in the eyes, then your ideals are questionable.

The president did not lock any children in cages. Don’t believe everything you hear. First of all people who are detained have attempted to gain unlawful entry, meaning they didn’t arrive legally or they would not be detained. That’s a no-brainer. Had the border wall been constructed decades ago, hard working Americans would not be paying for these mistakes with tax dollars and violent crime. Please come to our country, but legally.

All lives matter! Preach it, live it, love it, teach it, believe it, and embrace it. Everyone counts.

Fellow Republicans and conservatives alike, America will always be great but a Biden administration will be sketchy. He already met with Schumer and Pelosi in Delaware. What happened to working together? All I saw was three blind mice! I am saying what a lot of people don’t want to say, but someone has to represent our values and keep it real.

Happy Thanksgiving to our military, law enforcement, and all hardworking Americans, gobble-gobble! We will always be the best country and the world. Thank you to President Donald Trump and your administration, congratulations on a job well done! Thank you for the best four years our country has seen in decades!

John Woolaver, Cape Charles

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