Cheriton Fires Police Chief — Mayor won’t comment citing ‘personnel matter’


By Stefanie Jackson –Cheriton Police Chief Marc Marshall’s contract was terminated Wednesday night in a 5 to 1 vote by the town council at a special meeting called by Mayor Larry LeMond.

Council members discussed the personnel matter in closed session before returning to open session for the vote.

The motion as stated Wednesday night was “that the town of Cheriton terminate the employment of the Chief of Police Marc Marshall within the terms of the contract dated Oct. 9, 2017. This is an at-will contract of employment. As such, either party may terminate the contract at any time for any lawful reason by giving a 30-day notice. He is currently on leave with pay and will continue until Sept. 28, 2018.”

LeMond had confirmed to the Eastern Shore Post Wednesday morning that Marshall was placed on paid administrative leave pending further investigation.

“This is a personnel matter and I will not and cannot discuss this issue further,” LeMond wrote in an email Wednesday. Neither did he provide additional comment when he confirmed on Thursday that Marshall had been fired.

Councilman Wesley Travis, who cast the opposing vote, could not be reached for comment. Marshall did not return a reporter’s phone call Thursday.

Northampton County Sheriff David Doughty confirmed the sheriff’s department will continue to provide police enforcement in Cheriton until the town says otherwise, as the sheriff’s department has done since before Marshall before became the Cheriton police chief. Marshall was the sole member of the police force that was formed last year.

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