Little Farm Rescue Says Thanks!


Dear Editor:

Thank you to all who have welcomed Katie and Lester Cook and The Little Farm Rescue & Sanctuary to Machipongo! Some of the animals have arrived and are decompressing
and exploring their new spaces after their long journey. More animals will arrive next week, and the move from California to Virginia will be complete thanks to the rescue organizations who have transported them across country.

As the animals become familiar with their new surroundings, fencing is still being installed. When finished, each group of animals will have their own pasture and shelter. Katie and Lester are being very patient and are smiling from ear to ear as they watch these beloved animals enjoy their new home with all of them located on one farm.

The horse barns, pig barn, and chicken coop are in place and ready for occupancy when the fencing is complete. One goat house will be delivered soon, and gates that have been delayed a month due to COVID-19 will hopefully be installed shortly. All of their shade screens had to be left behind in California on the several properties they were renting. That means they will need to be replaced when funds allow. Katie and Lester are “making do” for now and the animals are happy.

Eventually when things settle down, The Little Farm Rescue will welcome visitors and volunteers. Then you can cuddle Mr. Smith, One-Eyed Willy, Ruby, Nathan, Handsome Hank, and all the others. Until then, you can follow The Little Farm Rescue on Facebook and keep sending those happy vibes!

Gwyn Coghill
Cape Charles

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