Trump Op-Ed Vindictive


Dear Editor:

Among the many questionable claims in this op-ed (“President in an Orange Jumpsuit,” Nov. 20), this one stands out. Nixon “impeded Vietnam peace talks” to get re-elected. How
would that help him get elected? Leftist protesters encouraged our enemies to delay peace. Just as leftist protesters encourage our enemies today.

Who got us into the Vietnam war? Eisenhower warned Kennedy not to send the army, only  advisors. Kennedy sent the army.

How did Kennedy get elected? He looked better than Nixon on TV and many suspected Democrat corruption in Chicago and other cities. The media failed to report Kennedy’s sexual promiscuity, something that would have repelled the electorate at the time.

This vindictive Post op-ed blames Trump for COVID-19 deaths. He ended flights from China over Biden and Pelosis’ objections. He eased regulations on drug companies to aid research and development of a vaccine. The vaccine should be called the Trump vaccine.

The media has exposed every Trump scandal for decades and given him over 90% negative coverage. Most people can’t understand their personal taxes, let alone those of a multinational business that has been audited for years. The IRS would have reported any problem by now.

As to foreign influence, China and a Ukrainian gas company paid Biden’s son to do nothing. They have not bought Trump’s sons or we would have heard about it, whereas the media has failed to report the many good things Trump has done.

Beverly R. Lynch, Painter

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