Cape Charles Town Manager To Leave Post in March


By Stefanie Jackson – Another top official in Cape Charles will be leaving his post – Town Manager Larry DiRe, who has served in the position for about a year.

“We definitely appreciate everything he’s done so far,” said Mayor Smitty Dize. “We’ll continue to work with you until you move on to greener pastures,” he told DiRe.

DiRe will continue as Cape Charles’ town manager for about six more months. His last day on the job will be March 31, 2020.

DiRe’s contract originally extended to Sept. 30, 2020, but it was recently modified to allow him to quit earlier.

He did not state any dissatisfaction with his employment.

The town council has begun searching for DiRe’s replacement.

DiRe became the Cape Charles town manager last year after Bob Panek resigned. At the time, DiRe was the town planner. Zach Ponds now fills that position.

One of DiRe’s recent projects is a proposal for a leash law.

Some citizens want a leash law to protect themselves, their neighbors, visitors, and other animals from aggressive dog behavior and possible injury.

Others oppose a leash law because they believe it would ruin Cape Charles’ reputation as a “dog-friendly” town.

DiRe proposed a law that would require any dog to be on a leash when it’s not on its owner’s property.

But the law would also extend the times that dogs are allowed on Cape Charles’ public beach.

There are no beach restrictions for dogs when it is not tourist season.

But during tourist season – the period between April 1 and Labor Day – dogs are allowed on the beach only after 9 p.m. and before 9 a.m., according to town code.

The new law would define tourist season as the period between May 1 and Sept. 15, giving dog owners more opportunities to take their canine companions to the beach.

The Cape Charles town council was expected to vote on the leash law at its Sept. 19 meeting, but the meeting was canceled. A special meeting is set for Thursday, Sept. 26.

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