Nandua Warriors Baseball Team Defeats Broadwater Vikings

Reco Kellam steps up to the plate for a hit. Photo by Adolphus Ames.

By Adolphus Ames —

The Broadwater Vikings varsity baseball team hosted the Nandua Warriors Tuesday, April 26. The Warriors won the matchup 14-0.

Brandon Adamos and Chayce Wayman pitched for the Warriors. Wayman walked two batters and struck out two. Adamos struck out seven batters. Isaac Stodghill led the Warriors’ offense with three hits, three RBIs, and two runs. Ben Stodghill had two hits, two RBIs, and scored one run. Tyler Greene earned two hits and three runs. Ripken Robbins and Turner Saunders each had one hit. 

Several players stood on the pitcher’s mound for the Vikings. Rufus  Abbott allowed four hits and struck out four batters. Logan Hickman struck out three batters. Cohen Kellam and Kolby Evans each struck out one batter. Will Petka gave up one hit and walked three batters.

The Warriors hosted a home baseball game Thursday, April 28, against the Chincoteague Ponies. The Vikings’ next home game is scheduled for Monday, May 2, against Hampton Christian High School.

Rufus Abbott releases a pitch. Photo by Adolphus Ames.
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