‘Build Back Better’ Will Benefit the Shore


Dear Editor:

Over the past two years, there have been many articles and letters to the editor emphasizing that many of our most vulnerable and marginalized citizens of the Shore have disproportionally suffered inequities during this tragic pandemic. For essential workers and their families, hopelessness and despair are never far from their thresholds. Inadequate and inaccessible health care, poor or nonexistent broadband service, job insecurity, poor housing, lack of affordable childcare, services to the elderly, and other pressures have had a devastating impact on our families and friends. For far too long, there seemed to be no immediate or long-term solutions to these overwhelming societal problems.

At last, there is hope for these families: President Biden’s “Build Back Better” legislation puts health care over wealthcare by increasing access to affordable health coverage, lowering costs for millions, and investing in family and worker supports that will finally ensure many more people across the nation and here on the Eastern Shore will have a real shot at health, prosperity, and mobility. This historic package makes long overdue investments in jobs, health, education, childcare, and eldercare. The legislation also changes our tax code by raising taxes on billionaires, millionaires, and large corporations so they pay their fair share for public services. I especially want to thank our representative, the Hon. Elaine Luria, for her commitment to this landmark legislation and her continuing commitment to the people of the Second District of Virginia.

Combined with the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act” the “Build Back Better” package will grow the economy and enable more Americans to benefit from growth and prosperity. The House Democrats have already passed and the Senate should vote to pass the president’s legislation.

Surely we can come together in unity to assist our friends and neighbors! If not now, when? And if not all of us, who?

The Rev. Frederick W. “Rick” Willis Jr.

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