Don’t Rush HRSD Decision


Dear Editor:

The following letter was sent to the Accomack County Board of Supervisors.

I spent 30 years as a licensed wastewater professional with the Commonwealth of Virginia ultimately holding Class I licensure. This enabled me to operate any wastewater treatment facility within the confines of the commonwealth regardless of size or complexity.

It is my understanding that Hampton Roads Sanitation District Commission has expressed interest in aiding the various communities on the Eastern Shore to manage the very complicated issues involved in the proper treatment of wastewater and the residuals so generated.

Their methods could best be described, in my opinion, as draconian.

This may be an overstatement and probably is. However, you may or may not be aware of the fact that HRSD sets its own rates, determines the various charges in-house and once they are in control of the various areas, they WILL do as they please, regardless of your input, or anyone else’s input; no ifs, no ands, no buts. Not one word of advice will they accept unless they decide to accept it.

This frightens my sense of individuality tremendously, as it should yours. HRSD is the largest political subdivision in the commonwealth, bar none. And once in control, they will do anything legally allowed to retain the same, which is nothing. They need do nothing to retain control once ceded to them by any other political subdivision. Nothing!

I am sincere in my respect for the work the county supervisors do for me and every other citizen of Accomack County. I enjoin you to continue this good work by tabling any decision regarding association with HRSD until such time as the proper information is gathered, assimilated, and an informed decision can be reached by all parties which may become involved.

Jeffrey L. McCoy

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