Man Suspected of Violent Intent With 2-Year-Old


By Linda Cicoira — A Greenbush babysitter left several small children alone in her house trailer for “four minutes” while she picked up her special-needs son from the bus stop, she testified Wednesday in Accomack District Court. It was a routine Lesby Roblero followed every school day.

When she returned on March 6, she found a neighbor man had gone into her dwelling and was in a bedroom with a 26-month-old girl. The child’s diaper had been removed and her pants were pulled down. 

Edwin Colon Matias, 32, of McComas Drive in Greenbush, was charged with burglary in the daytime and burglary with intent to commit a violent crime like murder, rape, or arson. Judge Gordon Vincent found probable cause to certify the charges to a grand jury.

“When I got back, I came to the door, a neighbor told me there was someone in the house,” Roblero said through a Spanish interpreter. “I didn’t know what to do. Nothing like that has ever happened to me before. The man was in the room, the room where I sleep.” 

In addition to the toddler, boys ages two months, four years, and six years were left at the home.

“I was scared,” Roblero said. ”He came out of the room. He didn’t say anything. I didn’t say anything either. I noticed then that the baby girl was not in the living room with the rest of the children.” The girl’s six-year-old brother told Roblero where she was. “I ran in there. That’s when I found her and noticed her diaper was off and clothing was down (around) her legs.”

According to a search warrant, the six-year-old told police, “He witnessed Matias enter the residence, take … (the girl) to the bedroom and witnessed Matias drop his pants and manually removed his genitals from his underwear. (He) … he did not see if Matias touched (the child) … sexually,” the warrant stated. The boy described Matias’ clothes, which were the ones he was wearing when he was arrested.

After the man left her house through the kitchen and another exit door, he was seen by Roblero with his son. “They had some paper that the school sent and they were selling something that was listed on that paper.” She said she was inside and they were outside.

Deputy Nicholas Kuglar testified he was called to the site “for a possible sexual assault.” Testimony was being retold in Spanish to Matias by a second interpreter. Kuglar said the defendant was speaking English when he spoke to him March 6. Before he was taken to jail, they went to the hospital because Matias told officers his shoulder was causing him “severe pain.” Kuglar said the defendant told him he had been selling raffle tickets. Two stubs were found in his pockets. 

Investigator Meghann Patterson, of ACSO, said when she attempted to talk to Matias about the case he said he didn’t know why he was arrested and that he wanted a lawyer. She also spoke to the six-year-old. “There were other children there, however, they were too young to give a statement.” She said the defendant’s clothes would be sent for lab analysis.

“There is no direct evidence that my client took the child’s clothes off,” said defense lawyer Paul Watson. He asked that the charges be dismissed or reduced.

“This defendant is in the house … in the back bedroom with the two-year-old child, unclothed,” said Morgan.  “I think there’s probable cause here for both charges. (The) commonwealth does not have to pick one … at this point.”

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