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Agricultural Best Management Practices Cost-share Sign-up: July 13- August 17

July 13, 2022 - August 17, 2022

Farmers and landowners may receive financial assistance for planting a winter cover crop under the Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practice (BMP) Cost-share Program administered by the Eastern Shore Soil and Water Conservation District (Eastern Shore SWCD).
EXCITING NEWS for new Program Year:
 New funding cap of $300,000 per participant
 Cover crop cost share rates have been significantly increased. Up to $90/ac for early planted (by 11/10) Abruzzi Rye- $70 /ac for early planted (by 11/10) Wheat
 New Cover Crop practice: SL-8M (Small grain cover w/Fall manure application).
 Opportunity to participate in the Whole Farm Approach (WFA-CC) practice which bundles
several components of cost-share practices into one contract.
 Already planting using no-till methods? Why not get paid to keep doing it- sign up for CCI-CNT for $5/ac on eligible acres for a 5-year contract – paid upfront the first year ($25/ac) Cost-share offered is an incentive to offset a portion of the establishment costs. Sign-up will be taken starting July 13th and will end on August 17th for the first round of ranking of BMPs. Sign-up will be taken in person by appointment. Contact Carmie Savage, District Manager, 757-302-4431 ([email protected]) or Bill Savage, Conservation Specialist, at 757-302-4437 ([email protected]) to schedule an appointment.
The Eastern Shore SWCD strongly supports the planting of cover crops as one of the leading BMPs to help reduce the leaching of nutrients into groundwater and in helping to meet Chesapeake Bay WIP goals.
Several different programs for fall cover crops are offered including small grain cover crops, harvestable cover crops, legume cover, as well as a cover crop for specialty crops and vegetables. Planting dates and cost-share rates vary by practice. Current Nutrient Management Plans, written by a certified VA Nutrient Management Planner, are required prior to receiving cost-share for any approved BMP. Cost-share is available for the writing and/or revision of nutrient management plans- sign-up for those acres may be taken during this sign-up period.
As set forth by the VA Code 58.1-339.3 and 58.1-439.5, VA law currently provides a tax credit for the implementation of certain BMP practices. For those practices that are unfunded yet still planted to DCR’s specifications, VA Tax Credits may be an option. If interested in VA tax credits, sign-up will be taken for those during this sign-up period as well.
For more information about the BMPs mentioned above or other District programs offered check out the District website at www.esswcd.org.


July 13, 2022
August 17, 2022