Accomack Schools Retirees Honored by Local Education Association

Harry Chisum, who’s retiring after 50 years as a bus driver, displays a watch presented by Transportation Supervisor Paul Brabazon. From left to right are Chisum, Brabazon, school board Chairman Ronnie Holden, and Virginia Education Association President James Fedderman.

Story and Photos by Stefanie Jackson – The Accomack Education Association honored six retiring Accomack County Public Schools employees at a dinner and award ceremony at Nandua High School June 8.

Every retiree received a plaque, and some received gifts from their principals or supervisors as thanks for their years of going above and beyond on the job.

 A special Presidential Award was given to the retiree with the most years of service, bus driver Harry Chisum, of Pungoteague Elementary School, who began working for the Accomack school division in 1972 and continued for the next 50 years. 

The other retirees honored at the event were teacher Gayle Crutchley, of Kegotank Elementary School, Principal Ruth Tankard, of Metompkin Elementary School, teaching assistant Annette Garris, of Nandua Middle School, bus driver Lynwood Smith, of Accawmacke Elementary School, and bus driver Joyce See, of Chincoteague High School.

Speakers included Superintendent Chris Holland, Assistant Superintendent Rhonda Hall, principals Phyllis Smith and John Killmon, Transportation Supervisor Paul Brabazon, Virginia Education Association President James Fedderman, and Accomack Education Association President Michele Slusser, who said:

“Whether you are considered a teacher, a bus driver, cafeteria worker, or instructional assistant, or even administration, in the end, we are all educators helping Accomack County’s youth to grow, learn, and become productive members of society. So thank you again for all your years of service.”

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