Leaders Gather to Celebrate $2.5 Million in Federal Funds for Rail Trail

Speakers and guests join in the official check presentation Monday in the brewing room of the Cape Charles Brewing Co. The check represents $2.5 million in federal funding for the rail trail connecting Cape Charles and Route 13. From left are Cape Charles Town Manager John Hozey; Cape Charles Mayor Smitty Dize; Northampton County Supervisor Ernest Smith Jr.; Spencer Murray, senior vice president administration, Canonie Atlantic; Cape Charles Town Councilman Paul Grossman; Northampton County Supervisor John Coker; Mark Marshall, co-founder, Cape Charles Brewing Co.; Northampton County Administrator Charlie Kolakowski; Congresswoman Elaine Luria; Accomack County Supervisor Ron Wolff; James Outland, Canonie Atlantic; Cape Charles Town Councilman Andy Buchholz; Town Councilwoman Tammy Holloway; Accomack County Supervisor Reneta Major; and Northampton County Supervisor Oliver Bennett.

Photos by Jim Ritch –

Rep. Elaine Luria’s tour Monday of the Eastern Shore ended with a stop in Cape Charles to deliver $2.5 million in support for the Eastern Shore Rail Trail.

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