Police Enforcement Needed To Slow Pennsylvania Ave. Speeders


Dear Editor: 

The speeding on Pennsylvania Avenue in Onley during daytime hours is ongoing, serious, and a particular danger to walkers. 

We have lodged numerous complaints at Onley Town Council meetings, to no avail. Both our present and past chiefs of police admitted in meetings that the speeding is a problem. 

Allow me to outline police coverage on our street. Our police coverage is scheduled by the mayor and the police chief. The lieutenant and sergeant cover our street but they are not on duty until midafternoon. The police chief is on duty during the day and, when he does come to Pennsylvania Avenue, he is there for approximately 20 to 30 minutes. He parks the marked patrol car near the street so that it is easily seen by speeders approaching and, consequently, he rarely writes tickets. 

The police are no longer short-handed and we are done being patient. Although we have complained to the Town Council in meetings and via email, we have received no relief. The police schedule needs to be revised to provide coverage of the town during day and night hours. 

The police chief answers to the six Town Council members. Let’s ask hard questions. Even though we were advised by Council Member Ferguson that we should just accept that speeding takes place and if we don’t like it, then we should move. 

We are NOT moving and we are NOT accepting the status quo. If we need to find others to help us get the speeding problem on Pennsylvania Avenue under control, then so be it. 

Arlene and Richard Evans

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