Warriors Basketball is on the Horizon

A varsity basketball player dribbles two balls during a ball handling drill. Photo by Adolphus Ames.

By Adolphus Ames –

The Nandua Warriors are eager to return to the basketball court. Like several other schools on the Eastern Shore, this season will be the first time players have picked up a basketball during a game since winter 2020. The Warriors’ 2021 season was canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“The last time we played we weren’t very good,” said girls head coach Lynn Williams, now in his fourth year leading the Warriors. “I hope to be stronger this year. We have a few girls returning from the previous team and they are very excited to be playing again. I feel good energy with this group. I am confident we will be better this year.”

Many of the players filling out this season’s varsity roster are moving up from the junior varsity squad. The youth factor doesn’t appear to pose any major concerns this season. Williams doesn’t plan to alter the offense or defense scheme much. “We’re a motion offense and in the past we’ve played a lot of zone defense,” he said. “This year we will certainly play more man-to-man. I want more of a ball control game.”

For the boys, a new roster presents several challenges. “For some players, this year will be their first year playing any type of basketball,” said boys head coach Trelle Warner. “We’re going to have to run a new system that simplifies our offense for new players. On the defensive side of the ball we plan to stay in man as much as possible and create turnovers.”

The last time this team played they failed to make regionals. His overall goal this season is to take the boys as far as he can. “Right now we’re working on building team chemistry,” he said. “We want to be able to compete with all the other basketball teams out there.”

Both Nandua varsity teams open up their season at home next week.  Their first game, on Wednesday, Dec. 1, is against Salisbury High School. The girls play first at 5 p.m. and then the boys are schedule to follow at 6:30 p.m. 

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