Accomack Supervisors Approve Library Contract Extension


By Carol Vaughn —

The Accomack County Board of Supervisors at the Dec. 16 meeting approved a contractor’s request for a four-month extension on the contract to build the new public library in Parksley.
The extension puts the new completion date at April 13, 2021.
R.H. Construction asked for the extension, citing complications due to the COVID-19 pandemic as a basis, according to Accomack County Public Works Director Stewart Hall.
The documents submitted related to subcontractors and cited delays related to lack of materials arriving on time and lack of personnel to do the work, Hall told the board, saying, “In my opinion, there’s not a lot of specifics in those documents.”
A steering committee for the library project reviewed the request and supporting documents and recommended the board approve the extension contingent on assessment of liquidated damages of around $27,000.
The amount, to be paid by the contractor, covers architect’s fees assessed to manage the project for the additional four months, Hall said.
Eastern Shore Public Library Foundation President Al McMath said earlier in the meeting additional expenses have been incurred by the group due to the delay in the library’s completion.
Those expenses are around $2,700 for storage of the Kirk Mariner collection and the delay in being able to sell Mariner’s house, which was willed to the library, according to Accomack County Administrator Mike Mason.
Supervisor Robert Crockett in a Dec. 16 email to the Post said after the board’s discussion he clarified with McMath that the library foundation plans to ask the board of supervisors in January to request the contractor to make up the loss.
Airport Comment
An Onancock resident during the public comment period meeting asked the board to reinstate the county airport commission.
We have many good things that have happened at the airport,” said Mike Morgan, citing runway and lighting improvements and a large paving project.
Morgan said having the commission reinstated “would help immensely with oversight,” help tenants understand “what’s going on at the airport,” and help generate revenue.
“Right now we have been shut down about 60 days, so we’ve lost a couple hundred thousand dollars in revenue,” he said, adding the hope is the airport will “open up within the next couple of weeks.”
The board voted in September 2012 to dissolve the airport commission and make the airport a county department.
Supervisors Recognized
A Virginia Association of Counties representative recognized Supervisor Donald L. Hart Jr. for serving on the board of supervisors 40 years. Dean Lynch of VACo also recognized Supervisors Robert Crockett and C. Reneta Major for 10 years of service.


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