The book of Acts in the New Testament reveals that Jesus said it is more blessed to give than to receive.
It is an often-repeated line and it is one the Eastern Shore of Virginia takes seriously — during Christmas and all year long.
So much of the good in our area is caused by donations of time, talent, and money. Some of the donations and contributions are well-publicized. Some are quiet and anonymous.
Some of the donations come from our active and generous service organizations. Some come from individuals who freely give.
All of the donations add up to an incalculable figure and every penny of it is necessary. Eastern Shore life has some very generous benefactors, in all income brackets, who give what they can.
There are many examples of those who, over the course of a year, give selflessly so that construction, education, or experiences can take place on the Eastern Shore.
During the holidays, however, our charitable giving provides children with Christmas gifts they may not otherwise receive. It provides meals for those who may not otherwise eat.
It is a blessing indeed to the receiver of these gifts. But it is a greater blessing still to you, the giver.
If you haven’t already done so, make sure you do your part to ensure all Eastern Shore families — and especially our children — enjoy a memorable Christmas. There are many ways to donate. The Foodbank of the Eastern Shore, which is located in Tasley, is a good place to start.
To support Eastern Shore people and causes is to be active in Eastern Shore life. It is also how to receive the blessings that come to the giver.