PARKSLEY: Front-yard parking harms water meters


BY CLARA VAUGHN, Eastern Shore Post —

The Parksley Town Council is seeking residents’ input on changes to town parking rules.

“The reason we’re trying to do this … is because we have several situations in town where people are driving over and destroying our water meters that we just put in,” said Mayor Frank Russell on Monday, July 10, during a public comment session to gather feedback on proposed changes.

Updates the town council is considering include barring drivers from parking “in a street frontage yard … (unless the) vehicle is parked on a driveway,” with exceptions for handicap-marked vehicles, during flooding and other severe weather events, and other special circumstances.

“Already, an ordinance is in place that designates what a parking lot is: a parking area or a parking spot. Grass is not one of those things,” said Councilmember Henry Nicholson. 

“This is just a different type of wording to help people understand.”

The new ordinance would also limit the number of vehicles parked at a house to six at any given time. 

Parking within five feet of a property’s water meter is prohibited and property owners are responsible for damage to water meters caused by driving on or over the meters.

Violators could face a fine of $50 per day, though councilmembers noted they would receive a warning first.

“We’re not running around fining. You’re getting a doorhanger first,” Nicholson said.

The changes are an update to Parksley’s existing parking law, which requires residents living beside an alley to park in the alley behind their homes.

The town has discussed updating its parking rules since at least last summer, when councilmembers agreed to review the ordinance after residents cited problems with people parking multiple vehicles in their front yards.

The town is accepting feedback on the proposed parking changes through its next meeting Aug. 14. Email comments to [email protected].

Visit the town’s Facebook page at or the Parksley Town Office at 18444 Dunne Ave. to read the proposed updates to the parking ordinance.

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