Broadwater Student Participates in State Track and Field Indoor Championship

Rylee Coates pole vaults. Submitted photo.

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Broadwater eighth grader Rylee Coates participated in the 2022 VISAA (Virginia Independent Schools Athletic Association) State Track and Field Indoor Championship Saturday, Feb. 19, in Richmond. 

Coates came in fifth place, clearing the 8-00.00 or 8-foot mark for the pole vault. She came in sixth place and set a new personal record of 16 feet, 1.75 inches in the long jump. For the 55m semifinals, she came in fourth place and set a new personal record of 7.63 seconds. For the 55m finals, Coates came in 5th place with 7.66 seconds. In the triple jump, Coates earned third place with 32 feet, 7.25 inches. Overall, she came in ninth place for the women’s team with her scores. 

Coates first started competing in track and field in March 2021 at the age of 12. Last year, she attended the 2021 USATF (USA Track & Field) National Junior Olympic Track and Field Championships in Jacksonville, Fla., and competed in the age group 13-14 in pole vault (11th place in USA), triple jump (10th place in USA), 100m (76th place in USA), and 200m (99th place in USA). 

Coates is currently listed as the number one United States middle school girls leader in triple jump for her 34-foot, 11.25 inch jump as an unattached athlete at the 757 Showdown meet held at Virginia Beach Sports Center on Jan. 1. 

She was able to qualify in some AAU meets for the 2022 New Balance Nationals Indoor as a “Rising Star” in triple jump where she will compete with athletes up to 12th grade. At that meet, she will compete unattached (not for school). It will be at the Armory in New York City on March 12.

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