Northampton High School Raises Money for Men’s Health, Things Get a Little Hairy


By Stefanie Jackson – Northampton High School has raised nearly $650 for the 501(c)(3) nonprofit The Movember Foundation that holds a fundraising event called Movember every November, during which male participants stop shaving their mustaches and beards for the entire month.

Movember raises money for men’s health, particularly, mental health and suicide prevention and prostate and testicular cancer awareness. Its project partners include the Prostate Cancer Foundation and the Prevention Institute, according to the Movember website.

“We are in an era where suicide rates are extremely high, and awareness is very important to the young generation to make sure they know it is okay to reach out for help, especially men,” said Northampton High School secretary Hunter Bishop, who organized the school’s first Movember last month.

The NHS employees who raised the most money for Movember were math teacher Julius Galpao, who collected $389, and custodian Melvin Burton, who raised $168.

Prizes were awarded to the winners, including Assistant Principal Fred Carl Eng, who grew the longest beard. Every participant received a goodie bag.

But it isn’t just men who participate in Movember; females can join in, too. Since most women don’t grow mustaches or beards, some stop shaving their legs for Movember. Others take the “30 Moves in 30 Days” challenge and do any type of exercise or movement every day in November.

Movember raised $16.2 million in 2020, of which about 77% was allocated for men’s health projects around the world. The organization has funded 1,250 such projects since 2003, with the goal of reducing the number of men dying prematurely by 25% by 2030.

Movember started in Australia in 2003 as a challenge among friends to bring the mustache back in style. It began making charitable donations in 2004 and now has more than 6.5 million participants in 20 countries.

In the photo gallery below are photos of Northampton High School math teacher Julius Galpao, custodian Melvin Burton, and Assistant Principal Fred Carl Eng both before and after their Movember facial hair growth.

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