Schools Should Carefully Consider Recovery Funds


Dear Editor:

This letter is in regard to recent articles about the school divisions’ use of Recovery Act funding and also the Aug. 27 Accomack-Northampton Electric Cooperative article.

Regarding schools, I have worked for the government in the past. I understand that the giver of the funding will have requirements about how to spend it.

If the Recovery Act funding is being used to hire time-limited employees, is it so payroll money can be used for something else with no change in employees? If they are time-limited, are they being told at the time of hiring when their last day will be? A better way might be to use those funds to make some one-time expenditures or improvements rather than creating long-term financial commitments.

Regarding ANEC, it has never made any sense to print an election ballot without two or three choices. Just a waste of paper unless a law of some kind makes it mandatory.

Linwood Windsor,

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