Super Juniors Celebrated the End of the 2021 League

Jennie Rice hoists the championship cup while the Maple Leafs accept their individual trophies for a successful season. Photo by Matthew Yoder.

By Matthew Yoder –
The participants of the 2021 Super Juniors league for the Eastern Shore Street Hockey League were honored at a picnic Saturday afternoon in Parksley. While all in attendance received medals, a number of kids were individual recipients of some really sincere words of gratitude from their coaches. Each coach spoke about the commitments made by their players in inspirational, and at times, emotional terms. The ESSHL makes a point to keep an accurate record of statistics, and additional awards were given for most goals, assists, and a number of stats attributed to goaltending. The last honor of the day was given to the league’s top team. This year the Maple Leafs took home the championship. Coached by TR Hoyt, the Leafs were bolstered by brothers, Chris and Carter Ames, who put up prolific numbers on offense to help their team win the championship. Saturday’s ceremony showcased a league both strong in participation numbers and qualified with invested instructors.

Ducks’ coach, Jesse West, speaks sincerely about the kids he was proud to instruct this year. Photo by Matthew Yoder
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