Dear Editor:
Since day one even before he took office the Democrats have done everything they could to discredit this President. The Russian collusion was nothing but a made up story by Hillary and Obama to destroy him. The Mueller investigation came up with no proof of it even though the investigation was conducted by democratic lawyers that hated him and what surprises me the most is that they didn’t make something up. There have been more lies and slanderous statements told about this President than any other President in the history of this country.
There are times I wish Trump would stop some of his tweeting but I also understand he is defending himself against a very unfair media that never gave him an even break. If Trump would come up with a cure for Cancer the news headlines would be “Trump creates massive unemployment in the medical field.” The plan has been to give him no credit for anything and it looks liked it worked. That may tell us about how gullible the American public really is. Shame on us.
In 2016, of the 17 Republican candidates running for the nomination, Trump wasn’t listed on my top 10 but he won and I felt I had to support him because Hillary would be a disaster for this country and I think we will be finding out that so is Biden. I do however think that he will not last four years and with Harris it will get even much worse.
I look for results in a President and with Trump we have had one of the best economies in maybe the last 50 years as well as one of the lowest unemployment rates in my lifetime and after this virus gets over we would have gotten back where we were but now I think that will not be happening. If Biden does some of the things he is talking about, I worry about a recession or even worse. I also think we will not reunite under Biden but divide even more and that’s what really bothers me and should bother you as well.
Ed Bishop, Pungoteague