Boys & Girls Club Closed, But Staff Busy


Dear Editor:

Not many things have been normal since COVID-19 changed the way we work and live beginning earlier this year. That is true for the Eastern Shore Boys & Girls Club, but nevertheless, it has been a busy summer for our staff.

Our club is closed until further notice due to COVID-19, but the good news is that all summer we ran a successful emergency food program to make sure club members and children in our community had meals. For a lot of kids, the club was their only source of nutritious food after school and during the summer.

That emergency food program was jump-started by a generous donation from United Way and it spurred other donations, many by our board members, to keep the program running
throughout this summer.

A couple of questions you might have:

• What is the staff doing while the club is closed?
Club Director Kathy Custis and her staff and volunteers are busy providing food to club members and community families in need. The staff members are remarkably busy preparing for when the clubs can finally reopen. They are taking extensive training courses through Boys & Girls Clubs of America and are maintaining a virtual learning program to stay connected to the kids while they can’t be at the club. The virtual programming can be accessed on our YouTube channel #ClubSevaAtHome.

• Are you having Swine & Wine this year?
Yes! Swine & Wine will be virtual this year! Our Eastern Shore board has decided that for the safety of our community and our youth, this is best. It is scheduled for Dec. 9 and we will be sending out additional information. As part of the event, we will have a silent auction and prize drawing online.

Thank you to all our supporters who help keep the Eastern Shore Boys & Girls Club up and running, helping youth who need us most.

Bill Payne, president of the board
Eastern Shore Boys & Girls Club

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