Dear Editor:
The Northampton County Salvation Army Chapter has been ringing bells in Northampton County. We really appreciate our volunteers’ time and the generosity of our community. It is these donations to the kettles that are used by the local Salvation Army Chapter.
Nationally, the Salvation Army offers help and hope to thousands of people from the victims of disaster, addiction, and homelessness to youth, families, and senior citizens. The local chapters work with local churches, Northampton Social Ministries, and community organizations and agencies in identifying residents that need short-term assistance to provide them help and hope. During the Christmas season the Northampton Unit coordinated with Northampton County Social Services, the community Toy Closet, and Angel Tree Program. More than 370 youth from birth to 12 years old received angel tree gifts and age-appropriate toys. Donations to the Kettle Fund are used to assist individuals from the two counties during times of need with utility, rent, bus tickets, prescriptions, and food.
If you would like to donate to the 2018 Kettle Fund, make your check payable to Northampton SA Kettle Fund and send it to Edward Stetar, Treasurer, P.O. Box 1274, Exmore, VA 23350 or place it in one of our kettles. God Bless you and thank you for your help.
Richard Sterrett
Chairman, Northampton Chapter