Exmore Sketch Artist Expands Creative Empire

Stevon Sample works on a full-detail, color sketch, using a photograph as a guide, in his home studio in Exmore. Photo by Stefanie Jackson.

By Stefanie Jackson – Exmore’s comic artist, Stevon Sample, recently celebrated the re-opening of his art and graphic design business and is ready to take it to the next level and make a global impact.

Sample is working out of a small studio on the first floor of his home on York Circle, where his current projects include sketching his customers’ beloved family members and pets, developing his original comic book series, and designing ads and promotional materials, including church bulletins.

Under the new company name, Dominion Sketchtime Media LLC, Sample hopes to expand the products and services he offers to include personalized business cards, T-shirts, and coffee mugs, and he wants to feature them in his own catalog.

He has plans to convert the second story of his home to an office and conference room where he can meet with clients.

Sample’s home studio is an official stop on the Eastern Shore branch of Virginia’s Artisan Trail Network. He plans to update his listing on virginia.org, the official website for travelers planning to visit the state, and be listed on the Eastern Shore of Virginia tourism website, visitesva.com

Sample has already taken the first step into the global market by networking on Facebook, and he now has customers from Virginia to Pennsylvania, U.S. to Australia.

Stevon Sample can be reached on Facebook at facebook.com/dominionuniverse123 by email at [email protected] or by phone at 757-607-6840.

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