Dear Editor:
I’ve known Brandy Custis Childress for many years socially and from when I was a customer at PNC.
As part of the Riverside Shore Memorial Hospital Auxiliary executive committee, I was fortunate enough to work with her several years ago when she was a co-chair of the Hospital Ball. She did a fantastic job formulating and sticking to the overall budget for the event as well as working with the committees to help them stay within their individual budgets. This organization and attention to detail made it possible for the auxiliary to exceed estimated proceeds during her two-year commitment.
In addition, when asked, she and her co-chair agreed to head the event for a third year since we were having the grand opening 50th anniversary ball on the site of the new hospital campus. This required not only a significantly amended budget but also the need to partner with Riverside’s corporate office which was underwriting some expenses for the grand opening. Again, with her close attention to detail, a bigger budget and many new expenses, logistics and people involved, the ball was a tremendous success and very profitable for the auxiliary, which gives thousands annually for nursing scholarships and other hospital projects benefiting our community.
I’m confident she will run the Accomack County Treasurer’s Office with the same commitment, organization and enthusiasm which is why I am supporting her for treasurer.
Ann Williams, Onancock