Tangier Jetty Requires Transfer of Island Land Owned by Accomack County


By Linda Cicoira — There’s a snag in getting a jetty for Tangier that has been in the works for about 25 years.

Accomack County will need to hand over 1.71 acres it owns on the island, County Attorney Cela Berge announced at a board of supervisors’ session last week.

The panel unanimously agreed to conduct a public hearing on the issue Aug. 21. The hearing is required before they can sign over the deed.

The parcel is needed for jetty construction, Berge said. The property was acquired by Accomack when the channel was constructed in 1965 but it was never used for that purpose, she added.

The jetty is “very important to them,” Berge said of Tangier Islanders.

Last September, Gov. Ralph Northam announced an agreement had been made between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Virginia Marine Resources Commission. They were to design and construct the $2,646,000 seawall. 

With more than $2 million in federal money and about $529,200 in state funds, the jetty would be built to protect the western portion of the island, channel, harbor, and associated seafood industry. The straight stone seawall would start at the southwestern tip of the Uppards and extend south nearly 500 feet into the channel. 

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