Accomack Grand Jury Indictments


By Linda Cicoira  — Nearly 30 people were indicted Monday by an Accomack grand jury on counts that included bringing a gun to school, strangulation, burglary with intent to hurt a child, extortion, stealing oysters, and drug offenses.

Edwin Colon Matias, 32, of McComas Drive in Greenbush, was indicted on counts of breaking into the home of Yareni Gonzalez and burglary with intent to commit a violent crime. The indictment specifically listed rape. The incidents occurred March 6.

Lesby Roblero, a Greenbush babysitter, testified at a recent preliminary hearing that Matias was in the bedroom of her house trailer with a 26-month-old girl. The girl’s diaper had been removed and her pants were pulled down. 

Roblero said she found Matias after returning from getting her special-needs son from the bus stop. Matias had not been invited inside. Roblero said she had been out for “four minutes” and had left the girl in the living room with other children. 

“I didn’t know what to do,” Roblero said. “Nothing like that has ever happened to me before. The man was in the room, the room where I sleep.” In addition to the toddler, boys ages two months, four years, and six years were left at the home.

According to a search warrant, the girl’s six-year-old brother told police, “He witnessed Matias enter the residence, take (his sister) to the bedroom” where Matias removed her diaper and “dropped his pants and manually removed his genitals from his underwear. The boy did not see if Matias touched (the child) … sexually,” the warrant stated. 

Investigator Meghan Patterson, of the Accomack County Sheriff’s Office, investigated and gave information to the grand jury. 

In another case, Philip Gordon Stewart, 63, of Nocks Landing Road in Atlantic, a substitute teacher, was indicted on a count of possessing a firearm at Nandua High School “designed or intended to expel a projectile by action of an explosion of a combustible material upon the property of a public high” school. The incident occurred March 27 and was investigated by Deputy Jessica Young, of ACSO. 

Testimony at a preliminary hearing showed a shotgun was found in the trunk of Stewart’s vehicle, and a handgun was under a towel on the backseat. Young said the vehicle was in the second row of the parking lot about 50 yards from the building. “He said he recently moved out of his residence and was keeping them there for safe keeping,” the officer said.

In the case related to the theft of state-owned oysters, dredging oysters at night, and transporting a dredge at night in a boat, the indicted were Wesley Lamont Hodge, 45, of Duchess Court in Mears; Gary Joseph Fleig, 43, of Savannah Road in Hallwood; and Keith James Martin, 48, of Keith’s Lane in Saxis.

The incidents occurred between Jan. 18 and 19, and on Feb. 1. Officers Allen Marshall and Marshall Reedy, of the Virginia Marine Police, testified before the grand jury about the incidents, which will be prosecuted by Jack Thornton, assistant commonwealth’s attorney from Northampton County.

Cadeem Bresean Baines, 24, of Cutler’s Court in New Church, was indicted on counts of unauthorized use of a vehicle and strangulation of Keshon Veney, on April 6. 

“My abusive ex-boyfriend has been hitting and choking me,” Veney wrote in the file. “He has also been threatening my life and the life of my kids. This morning around 4 o’clock he put his hands on me, choked me, and stole my phone so I couldn’t call anyone, then took my car so I couldn’t get to work.” Later, he hid her car at another house, she said. “So I went to go get my property where he began to hit me and fight me for my car. Cops were called, then he was arrested,” Veney added. Deputy J. Sharp, of ACSO, investigated.

James Floyd, 56, of Dogwood Drive in Onancock, was charged with larceny from a person, Charlene Rowley, and the assault and battery of rescue squad members Wayne Marshall, Benjamin Cole Bonniwell, Kevin Holloway, and Chris Casaro. The incident happened on April 2. Sgt. Bobby Taylor, of ACSO, testified before the jury about the incidents. 

Sharmain Kyteal Miller, 35, of White’s Neck Road in Parksley, was indicted on counts of possessing cocaine, possessing heroin, possessing a firearm while possessing cocaine with the intent to distribute, possessing a firearm while possessing heroin with intent to distribute, and abuse and neglect of a child “in a manner so gross, wanton, and culpable as to show a reckless disregard for human life.” 

The crimes occurred Nov. 9, 2018. Special Agent Scott Wade, who heads the Eastern Shore Drug Task Force, gave information to the jury.

Kelly Elaine Smith, 32, of Woodland Park in Accomac, was indicted on counts of making a false statement in order to obtain a credit card, obtaining money by false pretense, and identity theft. The incidents occurred between March 1 and 31. Investigator A. Turner, of the ACSO, investigated.

Corbin Kenji Drummond, 39, of Smith Road in Atlantic, was indicted on a count of extortion by communicating a threat in writing to kill or do bodily harm to Yoshyka Jones and making a threat to bomb, burn, or destroy a building. The incidents occurred Jan. 29. Deputy B.K. Misener, of ACSO, investigated.

Kelsey Elizabeth Kilmon, 32, of Mink Farm Road in Onancock, was indicted on a count of stealing money belonging to Tim Valentine, of the Club Car Cafe, on Feb. 15. Chief Greer of the Parksley Police Department investigated.

Paul Alan Cavey, 43, of Shore Acres Road in Arnold, Md., was indicted on a count of possessing cocaine on June 23, 2018. Sgt. Tyler Greenly, of the Chincoteague Police Department, investigated.

Charles Mullens, 58, of Chincoteague Road on Wallops Island, was indicted on a count of possessing cocaine Jan. 5. Deputy K. Reese, of ACSO, investigated. 

Jimmy Louis, 41, of West Mount Vernon in Smyrna, Del., was indicted on a count of possession with intent to distribute between a half-ounce and five pounds of marijuana. The incident occurred Nov. 13, 2018. Trooper Jay Boone gave information to the grand jury.

Jonathan David Thornton, 32, of Carter Lane on Chincoteague, was indicted on a count of assault and battery of Trooper Boone. The incident occurred Feb. 2.

Trey Elijah Ballard, 20, of Cutler’s Court in Mappsville, was indicted on counts of possession with intent to distribute between a half-ounce and five pounds of marijuana on Dec. 19, 2018, and stealing a scooter belonging to Robert Kelly on Feb. 10. Deputy K. McGregor, of ACSO, investigated the drug offense. Parksley Police Department handled the theft.

Eric Dewine Harmon, 41, of Coal Kiln Road in Painter, was charged with assault and battery of Deputy C. Hodgson, of ACSO, in connection with a Feb. 2 incident. Hodgson gave information to the grand jury about the case.

Cheryl Travis, 27, of Taylor Street in Hallwood, was indicted on a count of assault and battery of Hodgson. The incident occurred March 2.

Zachary Justin Peterson, 39, of Willow Street on Chincoteague, was indicted on a count of embezzling property, a generator, and a Hitachi nail gun valued at more than $500, from Mummert Construction on the island. The incident occurred Dec.10, 2018. Peterson was arrested Feb. 24. Investigator C.A. McPherson, of the Chincoteague Police Department, investigated.

April Lynn Pruitt, 42, of Justice Farm Lane on Wallops Island, was indicted on a count of possessing cocaine on Dec. 27, 2018. Officer David Gladding, of CPD, investigated.

Michael Wayne Reed, 60, of Southside Road in Onancock, was indicted on a count of illegally possessing Oxycodone on Oct. 5, 2018. Boone gave information to the grand jury about the case.

Annabelle Cruz Vazquez, 47, of Elm Street in Exmore, was indicted on counts of making a false statement on a consent form to buy a gun and possession of a firearm by a felon Oct. 8, 2018.  She was arrested Jan. 28. Trooper A. J. Rohnke gave information to the jury.

Hunter Douglas Weaver, 28, of Meadville Drive in Onancock, was indicted on a third offense of DUI in 10 years. The crime occurred Feb 14. Officer T. Hedge, of the Onancock Police Department, investigated.

Vassean Maurice Armstrong, 37, of Lankford Highway in Oak Hall, was indicted on a count of possessing cocaine on Jan. 10. Hodgson investigated.

Lashanta Nicole Edwards, 36, of Leslie Trent Road in Parksley, was indicted on counts of stealing property valued at more than $5,000 belonging to John Cool on July 11, 2018, using a credit card without the owner’s consent, and two count of obtaining a credit card without the owner’s consent between Sept. 16 and Oct. 7, 2018. Information about the crimes was given to the jury by Investigator Sam Castiglia, of ACSO.

Cory Anthony Kellam, 48, of Daugherty Road in Accomac, was indicted on counts of possessing cocaine, a third offense of DUI in five years and refusing to take a blood or breath test. The crimes occurred Jan. 18. Hodgson investigated.

Henry Lee Coleman, 64, of Mary N. Smith Road in Accomac, was indicted on a count of driving after being declared a habitual offender and refusal to take a blood or breath test on March 11. Records state Coleman admitted to drinking alcohol and smoking crack and marijuana prior to driving. Deputy J.S. Rose, of ACSO, investigated.

Nicolas Keshon Drummond, 28, of Nedab Drive in Onley, was indicted on a count of possession of a firearm by a nonviolent felon on Jan. 25. Sharp investigated. 

George Oswald Finney, 29, of Gargatha Landing Road in Parksley, was indicted on a count of possession of cocaine on Nov. 29. Rohnke gave information to the jury about the case.

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